Calcium chloride solution

Product Description

CAL PASS is a complex formulation for the correction and prevention of Calcium and Boron deficiencies. Besides it prolongs shelf-life after harvesting.


Guaranteed Content

Water soluble calcium oxide (CaO) %12
Water soluble boron (B) %0,3
Application & Dosage

VEGETABLES From the first fruits appear, with drip irrigation, by mixing with water in a dosage of 200-250 ml / 100 Lt at 15-20 days intervals

In ORNAMENTAL PLANTS Starting from planting, with drip irrigation, by mixing with water at a dosage of 200-300 ml / 100 Lt at intervals of 15-20 days,

In FRUIT TREES, especially in APPLE and PEAR, from the beginning of the fruit set to a short time up until harvest, depending on the sensitivity of the variety, it should be mixed with water at a dosage of 200-300 ml / 100 Lt and applied at intervals of 15-20 days.

APPLICATIONS TO BE MADE FROM SOIL should generally be applied to all plants at a dose of 1-3 Lt / da, taking into account the structure of the soil and the plant.

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